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 "About 5 years ago I experienced a memorable clearing with Patsy that I have shared with many folks since. While cooking with hot oil, some splashed onto my fingers and hands causing numerous tiny burns and blisters. The worst was a large blister almost 3 inches long and an inch wide on top of my middle finger. The pain and discomfort caused me to have sleepless nights and the inability to use my hands to hold my young daughter, garden, play guitar, do house chores and more. Patsy offered a clearing to help. During this, I felt peaceful and very comforted. I slept uninterrupted and awoke refreshed not even thinking about my wounds. When I looked at my hands that next morning, the burns and blisters had dissolved and the only remnant was soft brown, pain free skin. The discoloration changed to my normal skin color and I have no scars to remind me of this injury."

-VB, Cincinnati, OH

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Expand and Grow Love.

As Louise Mita (founder of IQM) would say, it's "easier done than said". As many of Patsy's regular clients are aware, feeling better is truly just a phone call away.


Healing clients experience the convenience, privacy and comfort of home since Patsy conducts all of her individual IQM healing sessions by telephone. Because healing is occurring on the quantum level, nothing more is required to connect energetically. Her sessions are a wonderful way to clear:


  • blockages

  • stagnation

  • old patterns

  • and anything else prohibiting your optimal well being. 


IQM will optimize your energy flow to improve your health, wealth, well-being, peace of mind and overall performance.


First session requires 60 minutes.


Payments can be made via Venmo @padzibon

or by PayPal using the buttons below.


60 minutes: $150


30 minutes: $75


Call or schedule at 513-258-3800

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"Patsy is a wonderful resource. She is patient and understanding as she provides this exceptional service. It is amazing that we can do sessions over the phone and the results are great.  She has helped me with both physical and emotional challenges. I am grateful." 


~ Susan, Los Angeles

Private / Remote IQM Healing Sessions

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